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Con-Nooga Returns to the Chattanooga Convention Center

Crowded convention hall scene.


“Con-Nooga” Returns to the Chattanooga Convention Center

Organizers of the much-anticipated pop-culture convention, “Con-Nooga” in Chattanooga, Tennessee, are gearing up once again to welcome fans from all over the country. Running for over 16 years, the convention comes bright with costumes, challenges, and a range of exhibitions drawing praise from enthusiasts and casual fans alike.

Sci-Fi, Anime, and Fantasy

From Sci-fi and Anime to fantasy, Con-Nooga has never failed to impress. Todd Patton, the Con-Chairman of Con-Nooga, assures fans that there is much to look forward to. “For lovers of comic books or animation, this convention is heaven. The diversity of our program and the sheer number of vendors with unique specialties does not disappoint.”

Celebrating Shared Interests

Witnessing the joy and excitement on the faces of the attendees, especially as they discover shared interests with strangers, brings a unique sense of happiness to Patton. The convention has evolved over the years, starting from Chattanooga Choo Choo and now held at the Chattanooga Convention Center, reflecting the growing fascination for the pop culture world.

Con-Nooga’s Future

While Con-Nooga continues to establish a firm foothold at the Chattanooga Convention Center, Patton believes that moving to an even bigger venue might be in the cards, given the convention’s popularity. “We aim to become a landmark event that draws people to Chattanooga, making the city a familiar home to them just as it is to us,” says Patton.

Celebrating Pop Culture Until February 25

For enthusiasts eager to fill their calendars, Con-Nooga will run until the 25th of February, with a bevy of activities and arrays of stalls waiting for them. It’s an opportunity for comic nerds, Anime lovers, and fans of fantasy and Sci-fi to delve into the world of their favorite characters, learn more about their stories, and celebrate the joy of shared interests.


Con-Nooga has, over the years, come to harmonize with the vibrant spirit of Chattanooga, breathing life into the city with its energy and color. As the convention continues to grow, it aims not just to entertain but also to create shared experiences and a community that cherish the world of pop culture.

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