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East Brainerd Community Theatre Showcases Drinking Habits, Supports Local Food Bank

Community theatre fundraising event.

East Brainerd Community Theatre Showcases “Drinking Habits”, Supports Local Food Bank

The Play That Lends a Hand to The Local Community

In the heart of Chattanooga, the East Brainerd Community Theatre is staging its much-anticipated play, “Drinking Habits”. Spinning a uniquely charming yarn about two nuns secretly making wine, this event promises not just a evening full of laughter, but also a chance to give back to the community by supporting the Chattanooga Area Food Bank. This inspirational act is set to begin on March 8th.

The Magic Behind The Curtain

“Drinking Habits” isn’t the simple fare that you may expect from a community theatre. It is a farcical and heartwarming story that revolves around two nuns at the Sisters of Perpetual Sewing who, in secret, have been making wine to keep the convent afloat. When rumors of the secret operation start to leak, bedlam and hilarity ensue!

Directed by Greg Rambin and Natalie Anastasia, the play was on full display during their appearance on a local community show earlier this week. They shared their excitement about the opening night and their heartfelt dedication to the community through their support for the Chattanooga Area Food Bank.

Laughter & Love: A Date Night for A Cause

“The show is meant to bring joy and laughter, especially to those who have had a challenging week. And what’s better than ending your week with a date night at the theatre? But this isn’t just about having a good time, this is about supporting our community, showing that we care,” shared Greg. Natalie added, “Every night we perform, we are not only sharing our art, but we are also helping provide essential resources to the local food bank. It’s our way of making a difference in the community.”

Supporting The Chattanooga Area Food Bank

The Chattanooga Area Food Bank dedicates its efforts to leading a network of partners to alleviate hunger and promote better nutrition. Its strong commitment to the community inspired the East Brainerd Community Theatre to rally behind the cause. With each ticket sold for “Drinking Habits”, a part of the proceeds will be donated to the food bank, thus helping keep the local community nourished.

Joining The Cause

Residents of Chattanooga and nearby locations are invited to enjoy a fun-filled evening of theatre while also contributing to a great cause. You can secure your tickets from the East Brainerd Community Theatre and lend a hand to the community.

This endeavour of community solidarity is a testament to the spirit of Chattanooga. It brings together people from all walks of life, united by their love for theatre and their commitment to the community.

A Night to Remember

“Drinking Habits” awaits your presence with delightful humor and a charitable cause. With exciting performances by a dedicated cast and crew, coupled with a spirit of community upliftment, this night is one that Chattanooga will surely remember. The message is clear: community and unity are the real stars of this show.

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